Source Code

for file /controls/UrlFrame.js

// UrlFrame.js
// Javascript Behaviour for the UrlFrame Control.
// This control implement an iframe element that connects to the page properties.
// The pageproperty "url" can be used
// Copyright (c) by Matthias Hertel,
// This work is licensed under a BSD style license. See
// ----- 
// 12.08.2005 created by Matthias Hertel
// 27.09.2005 PageProperty attribute added
// 28.09.2005 internal timer added
// 16.09.2006 context on event-methods is now set to the bound object.
// 19.11.2007 using the OpenAjax hub instead of PageProperties
// 18.12.2007 Simplifications and documentation.

jcl.UrlFrameBehaviour = {

  // ----- Properties -----
  // name of a event name that is used in the url pattern.
  eventname: "url", /// <summary>The local or complete event name that is used for publishing OpenAjax events.</summary>
  _eventvalue: "",

  // this is the url of the HTML iframe element containing placeholders for page properties.
  urlpattern: "about:blank",

  // this is the actual url of the HTML iframe (not normalized by HTML).
  _url: "",

  // this is the timer used to refresh the iframe.
  _timer: null,

  // ----- Methods -----

  init: function () {
    if (this.eventname != null) {
      this.eventname = jcl.BuildFullEventname(this);
      OpenAjax.hub.subscribe(this.eventname, this._handleEvent, this);
    } // if
  }, // init

  // many page properties might be changed at ince so delay the url calculation a little bit.
  _handleEvent: function (eventName, eventData) {
    this._eventvalue = eventData;
    if (this._timer != null)
    this._timer = window.setTimeout(this.RefreshUrl.bind(this), 50);
  }, // _handleEvent

  // re-calculate the url for the iframe element
  RefreshUrl: function () {
    var url;
    var evn = jcl.LocalEventName(this.eventname);
    var idx = this.urlpattern.indexOf("[" + evn + "]");

    this._timer = null;

    if (idx >= 0) {
      url = this.urlpattern.substr(0, idx) + this._eventvalue + this.urlpattern.substr(idx + evn.length + 2);
      if (this._url != url) {
        this.contentWindow.location.replace(url); // do not push onto history !
        this._url = url;
      } // if
    } // if
  } // RefreshUrl

}; // jcl.UrlFrameBehaviour

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