
Implementation of a JavaScript Behavior that captures the specified events of the eventnamespace and puts the values into a browser cookie. When the page is loaded all the vlaues will be used to publish the events again and spread the recorded values.

Source file: ~/controls/persistcookie.js



Namespace of the events published by contained elements without a full qualified namespace.


The local or complete event name that is used for publishing OpenAjax events.


The path that s used to store the cookie.


The number of days the cookie should be saved.

Public methods

init ()

Initializing the control.

initstate ()

After loading the page the event values that are persisted to cookies will be published.

Private elements

_handleEvent (eventName, eventData)

Handle a published OpenAjax event and persist the value of the event into a cookie.

This page is part of the http://www.mathertel.de/ web site.